This update of the game brings the ‘Team Death Match’ mode to it, which was recently introduced to the superior version, which is PUBG Mobile. In this team of two players are pitted against each other, and the team which reached the score limit will win the match. There will be guns available at your spawn, which you can choose from. Moreover, if you die, don’t worry, there is endless respawn. This means that if you die, you will be spawned back to your spot. There will be many other weapons available in which mode, which includes SCAR-L, M416, and Kar98, which will be available at spawn points along with Level Three armor and helmets, RPG-7, and M249 light machine guns that will spawn in the middle of the map. That’s not all as they bring some winter-themed modifications. The patch notes for 0.15.0 update offer further details about new additions and changes. Furthermore, PUBG Mobile Lite is also receiving new social features such as teammate markers, personal markers, clans, and chat. As for the fifth Season of PUBG Mobile Lite, it will begin from 1 January 2020 and last till March of 2020.