The Young Rock show is an American Sitcom TV series that is based on the life of Dwayne Douglas Johnson. The series premiered on NCB on February 16th. The Show shows three stages of this star’s journey to fame. With the help of NCB, this down-to-earth man takes a look back at his extraordinary life. The show also gives a sneak peek at his life with the help of some sweetly shocking stories from his family. The story of The Rock starts off with Dwayne standing for the presidential elections in 2032. And he tells his life story to the people who are voting. And how these events shaped him into the man that he is today. The show firstly talks about his childhood that was spent, surrounded by influential wrestlers. The show also shows how his father grew in the business world and his rebellious teenage days in Pennsylvania. Dwayne refers to himself as a guy who still relates to Americans in the show.

The show stars Dwayne Johnson. Adrian Groulx as 10-year-old Johnson, Bradley Constant as 15-year-old Johnson, and Uli Latukefa as 18–20-year-old Johnson. The other characters were played by Stacey Leilua, Joseph Lee Anderson, Ana Tuisila, and Randall Park. The promotion of this series started on Thanksgiving day in 2020. Later on 15th January 2021, it was announced that the series would start airing from 16th February 2021. The show has started receiving a great response from the audience and has gained a rating of 88% from Rotten Tomatoes. Also, on Metacritic, it has gained an average score of 67 out of 100, which is based on the judgment of 16 different critics. Read: What To Expect in Young Rock Season 1 Episode 2?

Dwayne Johnson’s Statements on the show

The wrestler is known for not giving up in even the most adverse situations. But for this show, he said in the recent interview that “the process of creating ‘Young Rock’ was so incredibly surreal that it knocked me on my butt.” He also said that “Unlike anything I’ve ever participated in, it required real specificity and attention to detail. And nuance, to find the comedy and make sure that some of these lessons that I learned a tough way would hopefully help audiences, too.” Johnson also spoke about taking a trip down the memory lane to mine for his life stories. So that it could provide for the material found in Young Rock. And how the show required him to re-think his relationship with his father, who recently passed away in 2020. The conversations shown in the show are edited versions of the actual conversations. Since the show is based on the life of Dwayne. There are some parts about which he has talked in his interview. The first scene that he talked about was when the high -school -Dwayne takes him to his girlfriend to watch his wrestler’s father engaged in a fight in a makeshift ring in the flee market. This could have been an embarrassing moment for anyone. But Johnson said, “Working the gimmick was how my family lived, and we all embraced it.” In the interview, he also said that there are still some people in his life who call him by his nickname Dewey. One of them being his mother. In the interview, he also mentioned how he had to sit for hours with Nahnatchka, just talking and sharing stories and then walking away. After which, Nahnatchka’s team came up with the concept of three timelines which were the defining years in Dwayne’s life. Read: Dwayne Johnson Starrer Black Adam Casts New Character Before Filming

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