This American comedy series called Dave first premiered back in March of 2020. It is co-created by the widely popular rapper/comedian Lil Dicky and Jeff Shaffer, where the former plays the main character. That’s not all of the genius comedic minds behind the show, Kevin Hart and Greg Mottola are part of the show’s production.

The second season for the series was backlit back in May of 2020 after overwhelming support for the series. Read: Palm Springs Review: Comedy Gold With a Little Philosophy Touch


In the series, we see Lil Dicky playing Dave, who is a neurotic man that has his headset on being the greatest rapper of all time. It’s not a situation where he wants to strive hard and do his best to eventually become one of the best, he has already convinced himself that he is one of the best. But just with him being convinced about this fact isn’t going to do much. He will also have to convince the entire world. So he starts with his best friend, like in every case, you have to take small steps to progress further, and that’s what Dave is doing.

Dave Season 1

In the first episode itself, we are shown how GaTa plays himself in the show. GaTa is actually Dick’y real-life hype man. So for the first episode, we have our main man Dave, approaching GaTa to help get YG on one of his tracks. Dave gets his first gig, his first shot at glory, his first attempt at showing the world that he is one of the best in the world. But that attempt turns out to be not something that he was expecting. His first show is at a memorial for a 10-year old fan. There he gets ridiculed for being a white rapper. In the upcoming few episodes, we meet more and more interesting characters that seem to have an impact on Dave’s life. He finally get’s a manager Mike sometime down the road. But at the same time, our main man gets sick after he smokes a joint at a party. Later in the episodes, we see Dave and his manager Mike trying to visit and convince record labels into signing them. On one such adventure, they come into contact with Justin Bieber and Benny Blanco. Stuff get’s even wilder, and Dave is later acquainted with Kourtney Kardashian.

In the next episode, we see Dave breaking up with his love interest, Ally. This sudden going of separate ways is caused by Dave having too much of his time and effort invested in becoming one of the best rappers in the world and almost none on caring for his romantic interest. In the final episode, Dave has landed a record label and is planning to release their first tune. He suggests that they release a very offensive track as their first project, Mike and the record label disagree right then and there. But Dave seems to be adamant about releasing this offensive track, so for this, he makes his way to the Breakfast Club show. There he plans to leak a little bit of the track, which would make it gather traction, and then the record label would have no other option but to support him. But eventually, Dave comes to terms with the others and realizes that releasing an offensive track as their first project right off the bat wouldn’t be the best business choice. So they do a live rap show instead, which gets him some great rewards.

Dave Season 2

Like we said the season 2 for this show has already been greenlit, and production has already started. We don’t have a confirmed released date as of yet, the only thing we know is that the second season will release in 2021. In terms of the story, we do know that this is a semi-autobiographical show. So it’s easy to guess what will happen from Dicky’s actual life, that is, keeping in mind if the show will not deviate and actually completely follow his life path. Read: Cruella: Crime Comedy Film Starring Emma Stone

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